Purpose Robert Healy Elementary provides students access to the school’s electronic network. This network includes Internet access, computer services, computer equipment and related hardware and software for educational purposes. The purpose of this network is to assist in preparing students for success in life and work in the 21st century by providing them with electronic access to a wide range of information and the ability to responsibly communicate with others around the world. This document contains the rules and procedures for students’ acceptable use of the Robert Healy Elementary electronic network. Expectations
Acceptable use of Healy’s technology resources is ethical, respectful, academically honest, and supportive of the school’s mission. Each technology user has the responsibility to respect every person in our community, as well as on the internet. Some activities are expressly prohibited by law. Other activities are inappropriate, as defined by the CPS Student Code of Conduct. This code applies both to students’ actions and behavior online. The following policies are intended to clarify expectations for this conduct, but they should not be construed as all-inclusive. Violating any portion of this signed agreement may result in loss of access as well as other disciplinary or legal action. Healy will cooperate fully with law enforcement officers in any investigation related to any illegal activities conducted through our network. The school reserves the right to apply disciplinary consequences for any computer-related activities conducted off-campus if such activity adversely affects the safety or well-being of students or other members of our community, or constitutes behavior embarrassing to the school. This includes, and is not limited to, any social networks, such as snapchat, Facebook, MySpace, Vine, Instagram, and Twitter. Limitation of Liability
Healy takes precautions to restrict access to objectionable material online, but it is not possible to have full control over access to resources and materials on the internet. Therefore, Healy reserves the right to block content that may negatively impact the academic performance of its students. Healy cannot guarantee that network services will be without error. The school will not be responsible for any lost data or interrupted service caused by malfunction, negligence, or omission. Healy is not responsible for the accuracy or quality of information obtained through the network. The school is not responsible for financial obligations arising from unauthorized use of the network.
Online Behavior
I continuously represent Healy whenever and wherever I use online communications. This includes, but is not limited to email, chat, instant-messaging, texting, social networking sites, etc. I will be respectful and polite in all of my online communication with classmates and school staff.
If I am uncertain whether a specific computer activity is permitted or appropriate, I will ask a staff member or parent/guardian before engaging in that activity.
I will not share my network password with anyone, or use anyone else’s network password. If I become aware of another individual's password, I will inform that person or a member of the technology staff.
I will be ethical and respect the privacy of others throughout the Healy network and internet, and will not share or access others’ folders, flash drives, files, or data without authorization.
I understand that Healy has the right to look at any data, email, logs, flash drive, and/or files that exist on the network or on individual computers without the prior consent of system users. In addition, Healy reserves the right to view or remove any files on the network or on individual computers without prior notice to users.
I will not share or post online personally identifying information about any members of the Healy community without permission (addresses, phone numbers, email addresses, photos, videos, etc.).
I will not make audio or video recordings, or take photographs, of another student or staff member during the school day without their prior permission.
Technology Hardware: Desktops, Laptops and iPads
Hardware and peripherals are provided as tools for student use for educational purposes. Students are not permitted to relocate hardware (except for portable devices), install peripherals or modify settings to equipment without the consent of the school’s technology department.
At times Healy may provide the use of a laptop computer, student response systems, and/or iPad during the school day at the direction of the teacher for student use. Students are responsible for proper care of the laptop and/or iPad while it is in their possession.
All software and settings installed by CPS must remain on the desktops, laptops, and iPads at all times, and attempts to disable or bypass installed software and/or settings are a violation of this policy.
Students are discouraged from bringing electronic devices to school as Healy Elementary is not responsible for lost or stolen items. These include, but are not limited to iPads, iTouches, handheld Game Systems, eReaders, and MP3 Players. If these items are brought to school, it is at the risk of the student and these devices must remain off at all times. If the instructional process is disrupted at any time due to these devices, students are subject to disciplinary action.
Use of School Technology Resources
I will not play games, instant-message, access music or videos, or access any social media networking sites while at school unless directed by a teacher and under the direct supervision of that said teacher.
I am responsible for maintaining and backing up all of my own files and data.
I will use my CPS Google account and network space only for school-related activities.
I will not use my CPS gmail account to send out forwards or mass unsolicited messages.
I will not deliberately perform any act which will negatively impact the operation of anyone’s computers, printers or networks. I will make an effort to keep my computer free from viruses and other destructive materials. If my computer is accidentally infected, I will seek help from the technology department.
I will not connect any personally-owned electronic devices (computers, laptops, iPads, iTouch, iPod, Blue Tooth devices, smart phones, cell phones, smart phones, MP3’s, etc.) to the Healy network.
I will log off of the network when I am done using a computer or laptop.
I will not eat or drink while working on computers and/or iPads in either of the computer labs, the library, or any classroom.
I will only use the printers with approval from a faculty or staff member.
Inappropriate or Obscene Materials
I will not search for or download any material that is inappropriate or offensive (lewd, hateful, or discriminatory).
If I mistakenly access inappropriate information, I will notify a teacher or staff member immediately.
Copyright & Plagiarism
Except for “educational fair use” as defined by a teacher, I will not plagiarize, save, or redistribute copyrighted material (files, music, software, etc.). Users should assume material is copyrighted unless it is stated clearly to the contrary.
Updated: August 2017 Robert Healy Elementary Acceptable Use Policy
Student Acceptable Use Policy Consent Form I have read Healy’s Technology Acceptable Use Policy and agree to follow all of the rules and expectations contained in it. I understand that any violation of these rules is unethical and may constitute a criminal offense. If I violate any of these rules, I understand that I will be subject to school disciplinary action and/or appropriate legal action. I understand that I am responsible for taking care of Healy computers and backing up my files.
Parent/Guardian Acceptance I have read Healy’s Technology Acceptable Use Policy and give permission for my child to use CPS technology resources in accordance with the outlined expectations. I will instruct my child regarding the importance of following all guidelines included in this agreement.
I recognize the school cannot guarantee that network services will be without error. I will not hold the school responsible for any data loss or interrupted service caused by malfunction, negligence, error, or omission. I release The Healy Elementary School, and its personnel, from any and all claims and damages of any nature arising from my child’s use of, or inability to use, the network.
I recognize the school cannot guarantee restricted access to inaccurate or controversial materials online. I will not hold the school responsible for materials acquired on the network. I recognize the school cannot guarantee appropriate use of the internet. I will not hold the school responsible for financial obligations arising from the unauthorized purchase of any products or services.
Parent Acceptable Use Policy Consent Form 家长/监护人同意书